Sodaro's Stories

June 4, 2016

30 Days of Blogging: Author things — Food

Filed under: Writer's thoughts — michelle sodaro @ 12:00 pm
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More specifically, food I can eat with my left hand…but that would have made the title for the blog even longer…

There are a few times that I wish I as ambidextrous…and for the purposes of my pretty blog-y blog I will talk about the times it would come in handy as an author. When I am in a good writing zone…when I am not aware of time or the pain in my knee or that I have needed to use the restroom for an hour now. Eating is inconvenient at these times because there is the fear that if I put down the pen, the bubble will be burst and the zone will be finished. I am not saying I am afraid I’ll never pick the pen back up or I’m afraid I’ll never write again, let’s not be ridiculous. But the zone might be broken and all of a sudden I am aware of reality again and I need to get up and use the restroom but I can’t walk because my knee has locked up from being in the same position for too long. This is where left-hand foods come in handy. If I can blindly grab for something with the left hand while my right hand is happily dancing across the page with a pen, then I can stay in the zone for longer. (My bladder and knee are not fans of this, but they get a vote far too many times as it is).

There are not many foods I can eat with my left hand, as my left hand, while symmetrical and opposite my right one, is not nearly as capable with manipulating silverware. I can sometimes eat cereal with my left hand, but more often than not, I end up wearing the cereal and milk. (Picture the main character’s drinking problem in Airplane). I can manage popcorn, pretzels, anything that is already cut up that I can just grab and stuff in my face.

For many reasons, I’d make a horrible “Traditional” wife…but I do like to think, when I find the guy that matches my kind of crazy, he will cook things and cut them up for me and bring me food when I am in a zone.  That he will “get it” and just pat me on the head or kiss my cheek and leave me be until the zone is done.


  1. Ernest Hemingway would leave off writing in the middle of a sentence. Then, the next day, he would have a place to start.

    Comment by davidgscott99 — June 4, 2016 @ 12:33 pm | Reply

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